Haiti: Dossier Petro-Caribe : Le gouvernement Haitien s'oppose à la Minujusth. Liliane Pierre Paul Réagit

Haiti: Dossier Petro-Caribe : Le gouvernement Haitien s'oppose à la Minujusth. Liliane Pierre Paul Réagit. Voici les details...

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What does critical illness insurance cover?

Your policy will have a specific list of illnesses and conditions which are covered. Anything that doesn't feature on it is not covered.
That means that if you're unlucky enough to contract something not on the list, your policy would not pay out.
All policies cover a specific group of conditions, including cancer, heart attack and organ failure. You'll also usually be covered if you're left with a permanent disability as a result of an illness or accident.
But while all policies have to protect against a group of common critical illnesses, you may find that a cheaper policy doesn't cover as much as a more expensive one. It's up to you to decide whether you'd rather pay a bit more to have a wider insurance policy.


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