Haïti - Flash : Louco Désir "Sommé" par Guy Philippe depuis sa prison aux USA - Les réactions de Louco en direct (Grand Dossier)
Both of the two most expensive cities for homeowners insurance rank highly for different reasons. Sterling (and Logan County) have seen some large tornadoes over the years, including one of the state's biggest in 2000: an F3 that was almost one mile wide and did $750,000 in damage. Haïti - Flash : Louco Désir "Sommé" par Guy Philippe depuis sa prison aux USA - Les réactions de Louco en direct (Grand Dossier) Voir AUSSI : Prezidan Jovenel rantre nan peyi a aprè rankont li nan Peyi Pérou (VIDÉO) _Promoted Expensive Homeowners Insurance in Colorado Conversely, Pueblo has much lower natural disaster risk but it does have a seriously high property crime rate (2.5x the national average).