
Affichage des articles du mars 5, 2018


VIDÉO - QUAND LES SUPPORTERS ENTRENT SUR LE TERRAIN en PLEIN MATCH - Regardez la réaction de Lionel MESSI - (VIDÉO à ne pas manquer) _Promoted Content The Cost of Joining Your Parents' Car Insurance Policy If the above prices are too expensive for you to afford on your own, a cheaper alternative will be to see if you can be added to your parents' policy. The person most affected in this case is your parent, who is taking on a significant risk by adding a new, teen driver to their policy. As a result, insurance companies will increase their yearly payments. Nonetheless, the increase is still far less than the yearly price of getting insurance on your own, as you can see below.  On average, adding a 17 year old male driver to an existing policy will add about $2,600 more per year. Compared to the national average of getting coverage yourself, a seventeen year old would save about $5,100 if you would come to an agreement with your parent in which you would pay...

DEA en Haiti : Trois sénateurs seraient l'objet d'une enquête de la DEA

DEA en Haiti : Trois sénateurs seraient l'objet d'une enquête de la DEA. Voici tous les détails ci-dessous... _Promoted Content States Specific Age Curves for Health Insurance Costs A few states set their own standards when it comes to age factors for health insurance rates. The federal age factor curve is the widest age curve that states can permit health insurers to use in calculating premiums. The following states have more restrictive regulations, meaning that there is less variation in health insurance costs between the youngest and the oldest policyholders. New York  does not permit any use of age as a factor when determining health insurance rates. In fact health insurance premiums in the Empire State cannot discriminate whatsoever and have the same price regardless of any policyholder characteristics. This typically leads to higher premiums for those who are ages 21-50, and lower premiums for those who are older when compared to other states. Vermo...

Cette vidéo de Michel Martelly dans une piscine en république dominicaine en compagnie des dominicaines affole les réseaux sociaux

Cette vidéo de Michel Martelly dans une piscine en république dominicaine en compagnie des dominicaines affole les réseaux sociaux - VIDÉO ! _Promoted Content Finding The Best and Cheapest Health Insurance Plans Remember, premiums are not the only cost component when it comes to your healthcare. Out of pocket costs in the form of deductibles, copay and coinsurance are just as important while you shop. The cheapest or best health insurance plan for you and your family will depend on your  income level  and  expected health care needs . Households with higher expected medical costs should opt for plans with higher cost sharing benefits, while those who expect to be relatively healthy or have little to no routine care should look towards cheaper plans.  Average Consumers Should Start by Browsing Silver Plans Unless you're extremely healthy or sick we advise that you begin your shopping process by looking at the Silver metal tiered plans. These are ...

Susan Page rappelée par l’ONU après un appel de Jovenel Moïse

Un vent de discorde souffle entre le Gouvernement haïtien et la Mission des Nations Unies pour l’appui à la justice en Haïti (MINUJUSTH). Mécontent de la publication d’un communiqué de la MINUJUSTH saluant la nomination de  juges chargés d'instruire des plaintes déposées depuis le début de l'année dans le cadre du dossier Petrocaribe , le gouvernement haïtien a condamné cette publication qu’il qualifie d’ingérence politique. De l’avis du premier ministre haïtien Jack-Guy Lafontant, cette communication de l’institution onusienne n’a pas sa place dans un contexte pareil. Lors d'une conférence de presse ce jeudi, le chef du gouvernement haïtien a estimé qu’ « une organisation internationale ne peut pas penser venir en Haïti et faire des déclarations partisanes parce ce dossier [Petrocaribe, Ndlr] est un dossier hautement, éminemment politique ». Par suite, les autorités haïtiennes ont rappelé l’ambassadeur haïtien auprès de  l’ONU pour consultation su...
Un enfant serait disparu à l’intérieur à d'un Temple - Les témoignages de sa mère en DIRECT. Les détails ci-dessous...\ _Promoted Content Health Insurance Deductibles The deductible on your health insurance plan is the amount you will personally have to pay towards care before your insurance company begins to contribute towards any costs associated with health care services. For example, if you have a plan with a $2,000 deductible, you will be completely responsible for the first $2,000 in medical care after which your carrier will begin sharing the costs of healthcare services. Deductibles are the primary means by which insurance providers help maintain lower premiums. Unlike deductibles in other forms of insurance which work on a per incident level, deductibles for health insurance are applied on an annual basis and generally across all services with a few exceptions. The affordable care act also establishes a maximum deductible amount which is revise...

Corruption au sein de la PNH : 25 millions de gourdes de "chèque zombies" récupérés par l'institution

Corruption au sein de la PNH : 25 millions de gourdes de "chèque zombies" récupérés par l'institution. Suivez les détails ci-dessous... _Promoted Content Mortgage Interest Deductibility in 2018 Interest payments are deductible on mortgage debt of up to $750,000—formerly $1,000,000 Married couples filing separately can deduct interest on up to $350,000 each—formerly $500,000 Up to 2025, these new limits won't apply to mortgages originated before December 15, 2017 Deduction for other home equity debt (HELOCs and second mortgages) eliminated—formerly $100,000 In the short term, these changes only affect people who take out new purchase mortgages. Anyone who purchased a home before December 15, 2017 will be able to deduct mortgage interest payments on up to $1 million in debt, up until 2025. Even if you refinance, the old limit applies as long as the original debt was taken on before December 15, 2017. Finally, people who closed on a home purc...