Mardi 12 Juin 2018 : Le Journal "PREMYE OKAZYON" en DIRECT sur caraïbes FM - Anpil tire nan Matisan ak Potay - Pèp la Oblije rete lakay yo - Men Koman HAITI leve maten an...
Mardi 12 Juin 2018 : Le Journal "PREMYE OKAZYON" en DIRECT sur caraïbes FM - Anpil tire nan Matisan ak Potay - Pèp la Oblije rete lakay yo - Men Koman HAITI leve maten an... Autres Nouvelles : Le chef de Gang "Arnel" au Micro de Guerrier Henri - Les détails ci-dessous... _Promoted Insurance Ratings Area and Loans Ratings Area and Adjustment Factors Traditionally insurers make adjustments to the premiums they charge consumers based upon a number of variables. In the past, these adjustments may have accounted for your health status, age, gender, and residence. The Affordable Care Act standardized the factors insurers are allowed to use when calculating premiums for conusmers. Under the new regulations insurers may only use a consumers age, smoking status, and area of residence (rating area) when adjusting premiums. How Are Rating Areas Defined? Under the Affordable Care Act each state has submitted a plan to divide u...