HAÏTI - Dossier Santé - Le sénateur Nawoon Marcellus s'adresse à tous les internautes Haïtiens dans cette VIDÉO

VIDÉO - Le sénateur commence à se rétablir - Dans peu de temps, il sera de retour - regardez la VIDÉO ci-dessous...

HAÏTI - Dossier Santé - Le sénateur Nawoon Marcellus s'adresse à tous les internautes Haïtiens dans cette VIDÉO ci-dessous...


Health Insurance in New York

To help you in finding Health Insurance in New York, we've developed this guide to walk you through the various options for coverage, eligibility requirements and what you need to know. Health Insurance in New York is delivered through a number of different channels with a consumer's eligibility dependent upon their personal circumstances. Under the Affordable Care Act you are required to have some form of health coverage for you and your family. If you are not covered by your employer then your eligibility for the various coverage options will generally depend upon your family makeup and household income. The main options are:
  • New York Health Insurance Exchange: All New Yorkers are permitted the shop on the state run marketplace for coverage. Financial assistance for those shopping on the exchange only applies to those with incomes between 133% and 400% of the Federal Poverty Level and do not have affordable options through their employer.
  • Medicaid: As a state that has expanded Medicaid coverage, Medicaid will cover all households with incomes under 133% of the Federal Povery Level. Plans are generally meant for people between the ages of 19 - 64. In New York, Medicaid coverage is delivered through a health plan provided by a insurance carrier. 
  • Child Health Plus: Health plans with reduced premiums that cover children under the age of 19 in households that have incomes that surpass the Medicaid thresholds. The amount the family contributes is based upon the number of children and their income level.


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