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DEA-Opération : Le commandant DIMITRI HERARD serait appréhendé par la DEA - Ce que l'on sait (Trouvez tous les détails ci-dessous...)
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Car insurance for new drivers
latest data (June 2017) shows the average annual premium for a new
driver aged 17 to 24 is £1,183. Insurers base car insurance premiums on
potential risk, which is why the cost of insurance for a young driver is
typically higher.
MoneySuperMarket data. Correct as of June 2017
Why is car insurance so expensive for new drivers?
motorists are seen as a big risk for insurers and this is reflected in
the price of car insurance for new drivers. If you are aged between 18
and 21, for example, then you make up 70% of claims for fully
comprehensive insurance – the reason behind the high price of premiums.
speaking, one in five new drivers is involved in a crash within 12
months of passing their test. What’s more, motorists between the ages of
17 and 24 are responsible for a third of all fatalities on the road.
But, there are a number of ways you can reduce the cost of cover by
undertaking cost-cutting steps, as detailed below.
MoneySuperMarket data. Correct as of June 2017
Consider black box insurance
insurance is a relatively new form of car insurance where a vehicle is
fitted with a ‘black box’ data recording device which is about the size
of a smartphone. The device records driving performance – taking into
account whether speed limits are adhered to and also monitoring
cornering and braking.
This helps the insurer build up a profile
of the policyholder and offer them premiums which take into account
their overall performance and the statistical likelihood of them being
involved in accidents.
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