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Finding The Best and Cheapest Health Insurance Plans
Remember, premiums are not the only cost component when it comes to your healthcare. Out of pocket costs in the form of deductibles, copay and coinsurance are just as important while you shop. The cheapest or best health insurance plan for you and your family will depend on your income level and expected health care needs. Households with higher expected medical costs should opt for plans with higher cost sharing benefits, while those who expect to be relatively healthy or have little to no routine care should look towards cheaper plans.
Average Consumers Should Start by Browsing Silver Plans
Unless you're extremely healthy or sick we advise that you begin your shopping process by looking at the Silver metal tiered plans. These are the plans that the exchange offerings are generally benchmarked off of, and occupy a good middle ground between premiums you are guaranteed to pay and cost sharing responsiblities that you will incur if you have any medical expenses.
The Silver plans are also the only plans on the exchange that make you eligible for cost sharing reductions that further reduce your copays, coinsurance and deductibles if you have a household income under 250% of the federal povery level. In such a case these plans actually offer more benefits than higher priced gold and platinum plans but at a much lower premium. To figure out if you qualify for better benefits consult our subsidy guide and see where your income falls.
Younger and Healthier Households can Look Towards Bronze and Catastrophic Plans
Bronze and Catastrophic plans will have the lowest premiums available but come at the cost of extremely high deductibles. In 2017 the highest deductible and out of maximum a plan can have will be $7,150 for an individual and 14,300 for a household. Many of the plans in this metal tier will have their cost sharing near these limits meaning that you will first need to meet thousands of dollars of fees before the plans benefits really start kicking in. These types of plans really only make sense if you want coverage for extremely costly emergencies only and have little to no need for routine care. Catastrophic plans are only available for those individual under the age of 30 as well.
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