On sait desormais qui a tué Jude Joseph au bord de la mer (A Gelée) - VIDEO

On sait désormais qui a tué Jude Joseph au bord de la mer (A Gelée) - VIDEO

See Also:

Customer Service and Mortgage Loans Servicing

We recommend using Lenda for your mortgage if you need to fund your home purchase as soon as possible. You'll also need to be comfortable relying on Lenda's online-only method of processing loans, which grants you anytime access to the application and consistent support from a dedicated representative. However, more traditional consumers who prefer to keep records on paper and do business in person won't find those options here.

Mortgage-Related Complaints at Major Banks, 2013-2017

CompanyMortgage OriginationsCFPB ComplaintsRatio2017 JD Power Rating
Wells Fargo2,155,22225,1821.17%745
Bank of America1,172,11328,1872.40%767
While we usually begin our review of a lender's customer service by comparing its total loan volume against the number of public complaints against it, Lenda's partnership with servicing companies means that the quality of your experience after the initial loan process will depend on those partners. On the other hand, it's easier to see the high quality of Lenda's origination services.


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