Combien coute à l'etat le voyage du senateur "Nawoon Marcellus" à l'hopital de floride? Garry Pierre Paul Charles donne les details...

SCOOP : Combien coûte à l’état le voyage du sénateur "Nawoon Marcellus" à l’hôpital de Floride? Garry Pierre Paul Charles donne les détails...


Treatment of Key Man Life Insurance

Typically, the cost of key man life insurance is not tax deductible; premiums must be paid with after-tax dollars. Your company can only deduct key man insurance premiums if they’re considered to be part of the employee’s taxable income, in which case the employee is typically the beneficiary. This is more often the case with group life insurance than with key man life insurance.
If the insured employee passes away, the key man policy’s death benefit would be paid to the company free of income tax in most cases. The only exception is for C corporations, for which the death benefit would be included in the calculation of the alternative minimum tax (AMT) due. On the other hand, if your company decides to sell the key person life insurance policy, you may have to pay taxes, depending on the size of the settlement, cash value of the policy, and the amount that's been paid in premiums.
Each year, your company will need to include details about the coverage with its corporate tax return. These specifics can include such information as the number of employees insured, the amount of coverage in-force, and whether each insured employee has provided written permission for the policy to be purchased. Consult with your tax-professional to ensure your company is fully compliant with all requirements, including providing the necessary documentation.


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