UPDATE : Disparition du Journaliste Vladimir Legagneur. Une nouvelle révélation de Reynold Georges qui va vous intriguer (Révélation CHOC)

UPDATE : Disparition du Journaliste Vladimir Legagneur. Une nouvelle révélation de Reynold Georges qui va vous intriguer (Révélation CHOC). Suivez tous les détails ci-dessous...

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How Earthquake Insurance and Claims Work

Deductibles and premiums to insure your house against an earthquake can vary greatly. Typically, earthquake insurance covers your dwelling up to the same limit as your homeowners insurance, and policyholders pay a deductible between 10%-20% percent of that limit.
Ex: Here's an example of how the coverage limits, deductibles, and insurer payouts work together for a person whose home was completely destroyed by an earthquake. It's just for the dwelling portion of their policy, but the same math and logic extends to the other coverage types.
  • Earthquake insurance policy: Coverage limit: $100,000, deductible of 15%
  • Claim submitted: $150,000
  • Homeowners responsibility = 15% of $150,000 claim = $22,500
  • Leftover claim amount = $150,000 coverage limit - $22,500 deductible = $127,500
  • Insurer pays out up to the coverage limit, dollar for dollar; in this case, that's the max of $100,000
  • Unpaid claim and homeowner's responsibility = $150,000 claim - $100,000 insurer payout = $50,000
To file an earthquake insurance claim, policyholders should call their insurance provider and notify them of the event and any visible damages. Even if there is no visible harm, it can be difficult to evaluate the damage earthquakes cause. If you are in an impacted area, it might be worth having your home inspected, especially if it is an old home.


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