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The Cost of Joining Your Parents' Car Insurance Policy

If the above prices are too expensive for you to afford on your own, a cheaper alternative will be to see if you can be added to your parents' policy. The person most affected in this case is your parent, who is taking on a significant risk by adding a new, teen driver to their policy. As a result, insurance companies will increase their yearly payments. Nonetheless, the increase is still far less than the yearly price of getting insurance on your own, as you can see below. 
Graph shows differences between a teenager getting car insurance through a parent or by themself
On average, adding a 17 year old male driver to an existing policy will add about $2,600 more per year. Compared to the national average of getting coverage yourself, a seventeen year old would save about $5,100 if you would come to an agreement with your parent in which you would pay for your portion of the car insurance. Whether they'll want to add you to their policy is another question.
If your parents happen to insure their car with GEICO, you'll get one extra perk. GEICO is unique, in that if you opt to join your parents' policy, you can eventually leave to start your own, and receive a better rate due to your family being apart of GEICO. You can read more about GEICO's Family Pricing here.


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