HAÏTI - Des Bandits armés jusqu'aux dents à Port au Prince : Un citoyen donne des révélations et accusent des autorités (Grand Dossier)
HAÏTI - Des Bandits armés jusqu'au dent à Port au Prince : Un citoyen donne des révélations et accusent des autorités (Grand Dossier)
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Unfortunately, there is not much you can do if your car is vandalized and you don't have comprehensive insurance. Your insurer has no legal obligation to cover the costs of repairing the car. Your best bet would be for law enforcement to arrest the person or people responsible and seek civil charges against them.
We recommend every driver with a car worth more than $3,000 and/or is less than 10 years old have comprehensive insurance. You can generally get the coverage for $50 to $100 per year, depending on your insurer. The potential cost of damages from vandalism, or any other uncontrollable event that can wreck your car is far greater than the five year cost of comprehensive coverage based on our calculations.
Comprehensive Insurance
Unfortunately, there is not much you can do if your car is vandalized and you don't have comprehensive insurance. Your insurer has no legal obligation to cover the costs of repairing the car. Your best bet would be for law enforcement to arrest the person or people responsible and seek civil charges against them.
We recommend every driver with a car worth more than $3,000 and/or is less than 10 years old have comprehensive insurance. You can generally get the coverage for $50 to $100 per year, depending on your insurer. The potential cost of damages from vandalism, or any other uncontrollable event that can wreck your car is far greater than the five year cost of comprehensive coverage based on our calculations.
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