HAITI - Dossier Grand Ravine : Le député Printemps Bélizaire sort de son silence...

HAÏTI - Dossier Grand Ravine :  Le député Printemps Bélizaire sort de son silence...

A voir AUSSI : On Nèg GranRavin Kap Bay Enfòmasyon Sou Bandi Yo

See Also:

File a Car Insurance Claim for Vandalism

When your car is vandalized you have to make sure you follow a specific process to ensure your claim is handled as efficiently and smoothly as possible. The following lists the steps you need to take when filing a vandalism claim, with more in-depth below.
  1. Call the police
  2. File a police report
  3. Call your insurance company
  4. Speak with the claims adjuster
  5. Take the car in for repairs
It all begins with calling the police as soon as you see your car has been tampered with. Vandalism is a criminal offense, so if you go to your insurer with a vandalism claim without notifying the police, it can throw suspicion over the validity of the claim. You need to notify the police, have them inspect the scene and then obtain a copy of the police report. You will also want to jot down any of your own observations of the scene, which may become important later when talking with your insurer or as memory fades.


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