Haïti - Cet artiste Haïtien veut devenir député de la 2ème circonscription de Port-au-Prince (Son Témoignage)

Haïti - Cet artiste Haïtien veut devenir député de la 2ème circonscription de Port-au-Prince (Son Témoignage)

A voir AUSSI : Komisè Miragwan Met manda dèyè Atis sa , 2 moun pran bal Gonayiv (ANN SUIV)

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Home Rental Insurance and loans

What if I want to rent out my vacation home? Renting out your vacation home is a great way to offset the cost of owning one but you need to make sure you understand the insurance ramifications before doing so. Depending on the frequency and length of stays, you might need to notify your carrier or purchase a separate landlord insurance policy.
For example, if you rent out your home a few weekends each year through a service such as Airbnb, you probably wouldn't even need to let your insurer know. But if you rent your home for weeks at a time throughout the year, you need to notify them, and there will likely be a surcharge to the premium of the policy covering the home. If you rent your home for extended periods, especially to a single tenant, you need to consider commercial or landlord insurance.


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