Banque Haïti | Un vrai réseau de gang ? Une stratégie des voleurs pour attaquer les clients de Banque

Banque Haïti | Un vrai réseau de gang ? Une stratégie des voleurs pour attaquer les clients de Banque - SUIVEZ !

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Law firm marketing tips

You want to get more clients. You've heard online marketing works, but you're not sure where to start. Between Google, Facebook, PPC, SEO, and online reviews, there's a lot to consider--and there are plenty of consultants who will claim that their solution is best.

How do you know what law firm marketing tactics will work for you? How do you know what to invest in and what to ignore?

Asking other lawyers what's worked for them is a great place to start. That's exactly what Jonathan Schmidt of Nazette, Marner, Nathanson & Shea, LLP did, via a discussion in Clio's Advocates community. He asked: I'm curious to know what everyone thinks is important/essential for online marketing ... What do you do? How effective has it been? Are there other things that you have done that have improved your organic traffic/leads?

Plenty of lawyers have responded with accounts of what worked and what didn't for their firms.

With permission, we've republished a few of their responses here in the form of tips you can use for your law firm. We hope you find them useful.


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