Scoop : C'est confirmé ? Ce chef de Gang tué par son propre allié à Grand Ravine (VIDÉO)

Scoop : C'est confirmé ? Ce chef de Gang tué par son propre allié à Grand Ravine (VIDÉO)

Autres Dossiers : VIDÉO.- Men bandi Grand Ravin yo ki masakre polisye yo | Gwo zam nan y'ap flannnen...

 Insurance and Morgages Loans for All

A property insurance provision granting special protection for the interest of a mortgagee (e.g., financial institution that has an interest in the property) named in the policy, in effect setting up a separate contract between the insurer and the mortgagee. It establishes that loss to mortgaged property is payable to the mortgagee named in the policy and promises advance written notice to the mortgagee of policy cancellation. It also grants continuing coverage for the benefit of the mortgagee in the event that the policy is voided by some act of the insured (e.g., arson). In this situation, the clause specifies the obligations of the mortgagee in continuing coverage. The mortgagee would be expected to notify the insurer of any changes in ownership, occupancy, or exposure; pay any due premium; and submit a signed, sworn statement of loss within the appropriate time frame. Without the protection of the mortgagee clause, financial institutions would be unlikely to loan the large amounts of money necessary to purchase homes, office buildings, or factories.


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