VIDÉO.- Le chef de Gang "Arnel" montre ses armes à la police Nationale - (On dirait un espace de Guerre) - REGARDEZ...

Cette VIDÉO qui circule sur les réseau sociaux - Le chef de Gang "Arnel" montre ses armes à la police Nationale - Voici la VIDÉO ci-dessous...

Autres Nouvelles : La Police touye yon tonton chef gang Anel Kap Dirije Vilaj De Dieu

Carry Life Insurance in Retirement

When transitioning into retirement, many people have fewer financial obligations and less money devoted to insure both themselves and their families. Yet new retirees should pause before they go entirely without life insurance.
With grown kids who support themselves, you may be tempted to drop your life insurance. Your housing costs may have declined, perhaps because you’re downsizing. And other expenses in your life may climb, including those for health insurance and a more active travel schedule.
At the same time, you’re leaving the full-time workforce, and the benefits that come with it, including your work-sponsored life insurance. You may also be at the end of the term for the supplementary life insurance you bought to provide for your family if you were to pass away during your wage-earning years.
Many of these concerns won’t apply if you carry a permanent life insurance policy, the other major category of life insurance offered by life insurance companies. A term life insurance policy protects policyholders against this risk by covering them for a set number of years, typically between 10 and 30 years, but permanent—or whole life—insurance policies cover the insured until their death. While significantly more expensive than a term insurance policy, permanent life insurance can guarantee protections for a policyholder's family after death.


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