La femme de Vladimir legagneur temoigne après la disparition de son mari et apporte d'autres precisions...

HAÏTI : La femme de Vladimir legagneur témoigne après la disparition de son mari et apporte d'autres précisions...

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4 Tips for Young injury Lawyers

Having been there myself, starting a career in law is a steep learning curve brimming with rewarding new experiences, change and growth.  However, it can also be a period of nervousness and uncertainty as for many of us; we learn to grapple, for the first time, with acclimating to the corporate world, full-time work and coming to terms with the stark differences between studying law and practicing law.
Numerous studies in the last decade have ranked the legal profession poorly on work-life balance comparative to other professions.  Fortunately, though, organisations such as the Tristan Jepson Foundation has put lawyers’ mental health and well-being at the forefront of discussions in the legal community in Australia for positive change and awareness.  A long and successful legal career requires an appreciation from the get go of the benefits of knowing how to manage expectations, when to say no and when to seek support and assistance.  Here are some simple but important words of advice on finding that balance from the beginning.


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