Haiti - Manifestation : Moise Jean Charles démarre avec la première journée dans le sud (VIDEO)

Haiti - Manifestation : Moise Jean Charles démarre avec la première journée dans le sud (VIDEO)


Do You Need Flood Insurance?

You should get flood insurance if your home is located in a moderate to high risk area for flooding. To be more specific, you should have flood insurance if you live in a "V" or "A" zone (Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA)) which are considered "very high risk" for flooding by FEMA. To find out if you live in a high risk zone, you can search your area's flood map here. To know whether you should get flood insurance you can consult the table below:
ZoneShould You Get Flood Insurance?
BHighly recommended
Scientific consensus is that sea levels are rising, and lands that were not susceptible to flood a decade ago can be susceptible now, and even more so another decade from now. Remember also that your standard homeowners insurance policy will not cover any damage caused by a natural flood. If you think there can be any chance your home may be flooded in the next decade, consider that just one inch of flood water can cause $10,000 of damage to a home, the average flood insurance claim is $30,000, and 20% of all claims come from "moderate to low risk" zones. To get more information on what you're covered for with flood insurance, click here.


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