Haiti : Suivez l'émission Allo La police du 6 Mars 2018

Haiti : Suivez l'émission Allo La police du 6 Mars 2018 - Les détails dans la VIDÉO ci-dessous...

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Should I Buy No Medical Exam Life Insurance?

No medical exam life insurance is more expensive than fully underwritten coverage and typically provides fewer options, such as the ability to increase your death benefit or convert a term policy to permanent coverage. In addition, the medical exam is free, typically lasts less than 30 minutes and can take place at your home or work. Given this, we wouldn’t recommend no medical exam life insurance unless you’re unable to qualify for traditional coverage.
Some reasons you may be rejected from traditional coverage and want to consider a no medical exam policy are:
  • You have pre-existing medical conditions that have been diagnosed in the past 2 years
  • You have a significant pre-existing condition, such as diabetes
  • More than one of your parents died before age 60
  • You have DUIs or other significant issues on your driving record in the past 2 years
  • You have a record of drug or alcohol abuse in the past 5 years
  • Your job is particularly high-risk, such as being a firefighter
  • You have high-risk hobbies, such as skydiving or deep-sea scuba diving
If any of these scenarios apply to you, we recommend first looking for an insurer that offers fully underwritten coverage for your situation, as insurance companies all have different restrictions. Independent insurance agents represent multiple companies and are familiar with each insurer’s underwriting requirements, so an agent may be able to help you find the insurer that accepts your health profile.
No medical exam life insurance is also handy if you need instant life insurance in order to secure a person or business loan, a common requirement from institutional lenders. No medical exam policies often provide same day coverage, or may take up to five business days, while traditional policies can take several weeks for approval. In these cases, we recommend getting no medical exam coverage then applying for a fully underwritten term policy. This way you can satisfy the bank or other lender’s immediate requirements but minimize your long term costs.


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