Le délégué de Grand-Goâve, Épinglé pour vol, Cette VIDEO (Filmée par une camera de surveillance) devient la risée des réseaux sociaux
Les photos du délégué de la commune de Grand-Goâve avec un sac bleu autour du cou et menotté circulent sur les réseaux sociaux.
Le délégué Jean Julien Gregory aurait été arrêté alors qu’il venait de cambrioler la maison d’une diaspora. Ignorant que la maison du propriétaire était équipée de caméra de surveillance, il se serait introduit dans la maison et aurait emporté une valise remplie d’argent.
Stanley Lucas, conseiller du président de la Republique a publié la vidéo de surveillance de la maison cambriolée où l’on voit le concerné cherchant à s’enfuir. La police l’a appréhendé et a procédé à son arrestation..
See Also:
Home Insurance Required by Mortgage Lenders
For as long as they have a financial stake in your home, mortgage lenders carry a proportionate amount of risk of losing it to a disaster or lawsuit. To protect themselves and their investment, most mortgage lenders require homeowners to carry a minimum amount of home insurance coverage. In fact, you usually can't close on a home until you've provided your lender with proof of insurance. You should apply for a home insurance policy at least one week before your closing date.
Mortgage lenders may pay your homeowners insurance premiums on your behalf and incorporate the cost into your monthly mortgage payments. If this is required by your mortgage lender, then you'll open an escrow account when you sign for your mortgage, and your monthly payments will go there before distribution.
After you've paid off your mortgage, your home insurance policy may no longer be required. However, we advise against dropping your policy. If it's been years since you filed a claim, or if you've never filed a claim at all, you may feel like home insurance premiums are wasted money. However, all of that time also represents wear and tear on your home. You can't predict when you'll need to file a claim, but when you do, you'll be happy you're covered. Instead of dropping your coverage, ask your insurance agent if they'll offer you a discount for a history of no claims. Or if you feel you're paying too much for your coverage, shop around and compare quotes from other insurance companies until you find a policy that meets your needs.
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