Liliane Pierre Paul reagit sur le "Strock du sénateur Nawoom Marcellus" au parlement - "sa te rive senatè a deja lè l..."

Liliane Pierre Paul reagit sur le "Strock du sénateur Nawoom Marcellus" au parlement - "sa te rive senatè a deja lè l..."


Private Health Insurance Types

Private health insurance is any kind of insurance plan that is not a government program. People with private insurance may be part of a group plan through their workplace, or may have purchased an individual plan. Group plans through work include many people and the employer pays part of the cost of premiums. The benefit of a group plan is that with more people on the plan, the costs are lowered. These plans also cover dependents of the employee.
Private health insurance plans come in many different forms. There are managed care plans, like HMOs, and preferred provider plans, which manage enrollee health care. This may mean having a limited network of health care providers or requiring a primary care provider to coordinate other care. Fee for service plans are the least restrictive plans and allow the enrollee to go to any health care provider that will accept the insurance plan.
In addition to these more comprehensive types of insurance, there are more specialized and supplemental types. Catastrophic coverage, for instance is a low-cost plan with high deductibles. Enrollees pay low premiums, but coverage only kicks in after high deductibles have been met. Supplemental plans can be bought to add extra coverage and these include supplemental insurance for cancer.


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