En direct : Pi lwen ke zye – Face à face Pateur Garry et Ougan Samba L. (VIDÉO)

En direct : Pi lwen ke zye – Face à face Pateur Garry et Ougan Samba L. (VIDÉO)

Autre Dossier : Hougan Nèg Mawon Vs Pasteur Thomslay Laguerre


Best Auto Insurance Companies in Wyoming

To determine which were the best car insurance companies in Wyoming, we gathered data from the state's Department of Insurance to compile a consumer complaint index. The complaint ratio compares a company's share of complaints to its share of premiums (that is - its auto insurance business) underwritten in Wyoming. Here are the rankings: the better a company is, the lower its index, while the higher its index number is, the worse it is from a complaint perspective. An average company has an index number of 1.
Wyoming Auto Insurance Company # of Closed Complaints Direct Premium Written ($MM) Complaint Index
Progressive Insurance 4 $30.13 0.646
State Farm Insurance 18 133.91 0.655
Mountain West Farm Bureau Mutual 13 86.80 0.729
Mid-Century Insurance  10 34.41 1.415
Farmers / Fire Insurance Exchange 9 29.59 1.481
Safeco Insurance Company of America 6 16.75 1.745
Allstate Insurance 5 6.64 3.669
Dairyland Insurance / Viking Insurance 6 7.52 3.887
Our inference is that a smaller share of complaints versus a larger share of business means the company's doing comparatively better than an average company - a better measure than just focusing on the number of complaints. We've also aggregated smaller underwriting affiliates under the major marketing group that each company quotes business under. Based on this available set of data, Progressive, State Farm, and Mountain West Farm Bureau ranked as the best companies to insure Wyoming drivers' vehicles with.


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