Mandat d’amener décerné contre l’artiste MECHANS-T (une vidéo montrant des moments choquants...est poursuivi pour excitation
Miragôane, dimanche 15 avril 2018– Le commissaire du Gouvernement près
le Tribunal de Première Instance de Miragôane aurait émis un mandat
d’amener contre l’artiste MECHANS-T, selon la copie d`un document
parvenu à la rédaction de Rezo Nòdwès.
Désir Wens Jonathan, dont une vidéo montrant des moments choquants de
son spectacle à Miragoane, est devenue virale sur les réseaux sociaux,
est poursuivi pour excitation de la jeunesse à la débauche, atteinte à
la pudeur et aux mœurs.
Le commissaire du Gouvernement près le Tribunal de Première Instance de Miragôane a requis le responsable du commissariat de Police de Miragôane de prendre les mesures nécessaires aux fins de rechercher, conduire, et amener devant lui au Parquet de ce ressort le jeune artiste, qui s`est excusé par la suite.
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If you have been involved in an auto accident and have suffered injuries, whether immediately or sometime after, you have a limited amount of time to seek compensation under the law. In California, the deadline for pursuing legal action in an auto-related accident is typically two years if the defendant is a person or a company / corporation. It's called statute of limitations and it is very important you speak with an experienced car accident lawyer to learn about your rights to receive just compensation.
If you don't take action during this period of time, you might well be unable to go forward with a claim. You need to be aware that sometimes a one year statute or even a six month statute may apply. While this might sound like plenty of time, it is often what is done during those initial months and years that determine the outcome of an injury case. Every day counts and the longer you wait, the more difficult your case might be to pursue. Many insurance companies are betting against you banking on you not knowing enough about the law, how to adequately protect yourself, and to obtain an appropriate recovery. You probably don't want to wait and you should consider talking to a seasoned top-notch law firm sooner than later.
Le commissaire du Gouvernement près le Tribunal de Première Instance de Miragôane a requis le responsable du commissariat de Police de Miragôane de prendre les mesures nécessaires aux fins de rechercher, conduire, et amener devant lui au Parquet de ce ressort le jeune artiste, qui s`est excusé par la suite.
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If you have been involved in an auto accident and have suffered injuries, whether immediately or sometime after, you have a limited amount of time to seek compensation under the law. In California, the deadline for pursuing legal action in an auto-related accident is typically two years if the defendant is a person or a company / corporation. It's called statute of limitations and it is very important you speak with an experienced car accident lawyer to learn about your rights to receive just compensation.
If you don't take action during this period of time, you might well be unable to go forward with a claim. You need to be aware that sometimes a one year statute or even a six month statute may apply. While this might sound like plenty of time, it is often what is done during those initial months and years that determine the outcome of an injury case. Every day counts and the longer you wait, the more difficult your case might be to pursue. Many insurance companies are betting against you banking on you not knowing enough about the law, how to adequately protect yourself, and to obtain an appropriate recovery. You probably don't want to wait and you should consider talking to a seasoned top-notch law firm sooner than later.
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