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Credit Card Travel Insurance Explained

As seen above, the three main categories of coverage are general travel/flight insurance, lost luggage insurance, and trip cancellation/delay insurance. The extent of protections these benefits will provide can vary greatly, but there are some elements that remain constant throughout.

Travel Accident Insurance

Travel accident insurance through credit cards typically covers individuals in the event of death, or dismemberment during the course of common carrier travel – that is a vehicle that is licensed to transport any public passenger who pays a fare or buys a ticket, and is available on a regular schedule (e.g. planes, trains, ferries, and cruise ships). This coverage works similarly to a life insurance policy. For example, if you were to suffer loss of life, a claims adjustor would determine your expected future earnings, and pay out the amount to your beneficiary, up to the maximum limit. Typically, the coverage is only extended to the cardholder and their immediate family, though how immediate family is defined will vary from issuer to issuer. The amount of money this benefit can pay out will typically vary between $100,000 and $500,000.
The list of exclusions on travel accident insurance is hefty. Most credit cards will not provide any payout in the event of physical illness, disease, pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage, bacterial or viral infection, bodily malfunctions, or medical or surgical treatment or diagnosis thereof.


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