Haïti - Affrontement entre la Police et plusieurs bandits de Grand Ravine - Suivez !

Haïti - Affrontement entre la Police et plusieurs bandits de Grand Ravine - Suivez tous les détails à l’émission Matin débat. Louco Désir fait le point sur tout ce qui se passe....

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How to Qualify for Home Insurance Discounts

Some homeowners insurance discounts are applied when you first buy your policy. For example, if your house is relatively new, it may be less in need of certain repairs—such as a new roof—compared to older homes. Insurance companies will consider that reduced risk when they determine your rates, so you may already be receiving some policy discounts.
Other discounts may be applied when you upgrade your home or reach certain milestones, such as paying off your mortgage. However, it's important to understand your home insurance company's limits on protection discounts. Homeowners insurance companies calculate their premiums and discounts differently, and some insurers limit the ultimate amount of discounts any policyholder can receive. For example, AIG limits their "protection credit" to 15% of the total policy premium. If you've already reached that limit, you may be unable to receive additional discounts.
Here are some common ways you may be able to qualify for a discount on your homeowners insurance policy, either at the beginning of your policy or after you install an upgrade.


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