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While condo associations are generally required to carry insurance, Florida Statutes don't require your association's policy to include most fixtures and systems specific to your condo.


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Condo Insurance in Florida State

Condo owners in Florida used to be required to purchase condo insurance by state law, but this is no longer the case. However, you may be required by your condo association to:
  • Have a condo insurance policy.
  • Demonstrate proof that your condo insurance policy meets the association's minimum limits.
  • Purchase your condo insurance policy from a particular company.
A condo association's insurance policy typically covers:
  • Exterior of the building and condo.
  • Land the condos are located on.
  • Damage in common areas, such as pools, hallways and lobbies.
  • Liability in case someone is injured while on the property or in certain common areas.
  • Shared amenities and equipment, such as elevators and other building systems.
In some cases, condo associations do have much more extensive insurance policies, which can include coverage for fixtures and structural components inside your condo as well. Therefore, we recommend confirming what's included in your condo association's policy before purchasing your own coverage.


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