HAÏTI : Ce pauvre prisonnier raconte sa rencontre avec Clifford Brandt au Penitencier National - "J'ai mangé avec lui, il est converti, il sera..."

HAÏTI : Ce pauvre prisonnier raconte sa rencontre avec Clifford Brandt au Penitencier National - "J'ai mangé avec lui, il est converti, il sera..."

VIDÉO : Prezidan Jovenel mande Jnenès Ayisyèn nan padon sa ki pati kite Haiti pou mize e sa kap viv Haiti - GADE VIDEO SA...


Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

Nationwide is on your side with 30 agents surrounding Detroit, Warren, Sterling Heights, Ann Arbor, and Grand Rapids. Belonging to certain alumni groups and Greek organizations, like Kappa Delta Sorority and Sigma Phi Epsilon, that are partnered with Nationwide, can bring drivers discounts on their insurance rates.

Fremont Insurance Company

Fremont Insurance only writes premiums in the state of Michigan and has been operating for over 130 years. This carrier works with 175 independent agencies and chooses their partnerships based on ethics and community service and involvement in Michigan. Drivers should reach out to an agent to determine the right coverage and discounts they may qualify for.

Michigan Insurance Company

Michigan Insurance Company writes insurance in the state through independent agencies. This allows drivers to have a personal interaction with a knowledgeable agent. This insurer is a member of the Donegal Insurance Group, which underwrites insurance through a number of other affiliates and agencies across the nation.


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