Vendredi 11 mai 2018 : Suivez en DIRECT le Journal PREMYE OKAZYON sur caraïbes FM
Vendredi 11 mai 2018 : Suivez en DIRECT le Journal PREMYE OKAZYON sur caraïbes FM - Voici tous les détails ci-dessous...
Autres Informations : Pandan antèman Marlene ap fèt jodi a, Diaspora a nan garde à vue toujou ak bout shòt epi do touni...
Most mesothelioma victims are people who have served in the military and/or worked in an environment in which they were in daily contact with asbestos. In other instances, people can develop mesothelioma through second-hand contact via clothing or through radiation treatment. Yet, the main cause of mesothelioma stems from excessive exposure to asbestos.
American naval vessels built from the 1930s to the early 1960s contain extremely large amounts of asbestos. Floors, hulls, electrical systems, steam pipes, and more contain asbestos fibers in order to add tensile strength, heat resistance, and low electrical conductivity. This in turn made ships safer, particularly in regards to extreme temperatures and fires. However, these excessive amounts of asbestos in warships and auxiliary vessels exposed sailors, Marines, and naval yard workers to the carcinogenic fibers which trigger the disease.
Who Gets Mesothelioma Cancer?
Most mesothelioma victims are people who have served in the military and/or worked in an environment in which they were in daily contact with asbestos. In other instances, people can develop mesothelioma through second-hand contact via clothing or through radiation treatment. Yet, the main cause of mesothelioma stems from excessive exposure to asbestos.
American naval vessels built from the 1930s to the early 1960s contain extremely large amounts of asbestos. Floors, hulls, electrical systems, steam pipes, and more contain asbestos fibers in order to add tensile strength, heat resistance, and low electrical conductivity. This in turn made ships safer, particularly in regards to extreme temperatures and fires. However, these excessive amounts of asbestos in warships and auxiliary vessels exposed sailors, Marines, and naval yard workers to the carcinogenic fibers which trigger the disease.
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