Deportation des haitiens par l'immigration dominicaine - Cette VIDEO devrait revolter la conscience des autorités Haitiennes

Deportation des haitiens par l'immigration dominicaine - Cette VIDEO devrait revolter la conscience des autorités Haitiennes...

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What Does Golf Cart Insurance Cover?

Golf cart insurance is not unlike auto or motorcycle insurance. In fact, almost all insurance companies cover golf carts under their motorcycle insurance policy along with scooters, mopeds, ATVs and other vehicles. Like motorcycles, a variety of different coverages are available for golf carts.
Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability: In states that require golf carts to have insurance, this is the coverage that is mandated. Bodily injury and property damage liability cover damages to others or their property that a driver causes while operating the golf cart. The claim limits of the policy are like auto or motorcycle insurance and are frequently demarcated with slashes ($25,000/$50,000/$10,000). The first number is the claim limit for per injured person, the second is per accident, and the third is for property damaged in a crash.
Guest Passenger Liability: This coverage provides a claim limit specifically for passengers injured in an accident. It is a coverage unique to golf carts, motorcycles and other vehicles covered under motorcycle insurance policies.
Medical Payments Coverage (Optional): This coverage is optional and pays for any medical bills of a golf cart driver or passengers in the event they are injured in an accident. No matter the nature of an accident or the number of vehicles involved, this coverage applies.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists (Optional): Another optional coverage and one that is commonly shortened and referred to as UM/UIM. It covers damages to the driver, passengers and the golf cart in the event the individual who causes the damage is under or uninsured entirely. The coverage applies to medical treatments, lost wages and other damages a policyholder might be subject to as a result of other party’s lack of adequate insurance.

Collision and Comprehensive (Optional): If a golf cart is involved in an accident (with another vehicle or object), collision coverage pays for the cost to repair or replace it, minus the policyholder’s deductible. Comprehensive coverage pays to repair or replace a golf cart in the event almost anything else happens to it other than a collision. For example, if a golf cart is destroyed in a fire, vandalized, stolen or damaged in a storm, comprehensive coverage would cover those perils. 


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